Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm inviting you all to come check out this art show I'm having Nov. 9th. I considered postponing this show due to the recent hurricane, but I decided it is a good opportunity to pull people together do something positive. I understand a lot of folks can't travel and what not. Those who can get up to Long Island City for a night of cool art, live music by Skye Steele's Hot Holy Mess, and free drinks will be in for a heart-warming time. Also, I will be giving out FREE ART to people who BRING SUPPLIES that are needed for folks in areas such as Far Rockaway. We have access to a cargo van that can be filled with supplies, and brought to people who still have needs. Fine Art in Space in LIC will be bringing supplies to affected areas and helping out people with what we can. Anything will help, but the most needed items are blankets and food. 

Even though we are all feeling the hurricane blues, take time to come out, look at some art, and interact with your community. Please come and enjoy a night out, and help me fill a van with supplies for fellow New Yorkers! 

To view some of Anthony’s work please visit:

In association with Ad Hoc Art,

Fine Art in Space
10-47 48 Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm
Or by appointment.

Escaping Logik runs from November 9th-December 7th, 2012
Please join us for the opening reception:
November 9th, 2012
7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Anthony Pugh

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